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Pursue a career that spans the globe

随着酒店管理行业不断扩展到地球的每一个角落, the need for a talented, qualified workforce has rapidly increased. 在赌钱app可以微信提现酒店管理课程中发挥领导作用,在国内外创造难忘的体验!


通过赌钱app可以微信提现酒店管理课程,准备好进入酒店行业的许多令人兴奋和多样化的职业机会. Our cutting-edge programs cover a wide range of topics, 为您提供在酒店管理领域取得成功所需的跨学科教育.

探索旅游,烹饪艺术,住宿,食品和饮料的新兴趋势. 通过实践学习和专业经验,发展酒店管理职业所需的各种技能.

酒店管理系包括烹饪艺术和酒店管理五个专业. 虽然这两个领域都以客人体验为中心, culinary arts courses highlight cooking techniques, food service and professional kitchen management, including budgeting and forecasting. Hospitality management 课程的重点是旅游业与商业相关的重点.


[Catalog] Chef Apprenticeship, AAS
[Catalog] Dietary Manager Certificate
[Catalog] Food and Beverage Management, AAS
[Catalog] Hotel and Lodging Management, AAS
[Catalog] Pastry/Baking Certificate

Why 赌钱app可以微信提现's Hospitality Management program?

Opportunity thrives at 赌钱app可以微信提现. As a Cavalier, you’ll have access to high quality education, 免费资源,以支持您的学习和无与伦比的学习经验.

Classes taught by industry experts

在酒店和烹饪行业获得多方面的教育与赌钱app可以微信提现的有成就的讲师. 我们的教师在该领域拥有多年的经验,并将他们的专业知识和对未来趋势的了解带入课堂.

所有酒店管理课程都是充满活力和有趣的, 小班授课可以让你和老师有更多的一对一时间.

Career development opportunities

Gain immediate professional experience through our active job board. Find local internship openings through the Career Development Center 并获得免费的面试培训和薪酬援助. 准备好在大学课程上取得领先地位的高中生可以从我们的课程开始 Early College Partnerships and Outreach program.

在毕业前获得酒店和烹饪行业的实际专业知识. 该计划中的许多课程都是通过在当地的实践学习来教授的. 与经验丰富的专业人士一起学习该领域的多个方面.

World-class facility

Take your education to the next level in 赌钱app可以微信提现’s 36,000-square-foot Wylie Hospitality and Culinary Academy. 这座最先进的建筑有五个烹饪实验室, an innovation kitchen, 一个烹饪剧院的示范厨房和赌钱app可以微信提现自己的糕点店.

Learn from business leaders in the community

Our Hospitality Management Advisory Committee 提供专家建议和内部知识,以确保您准备好进入劳动力市场. 董事会由管理领域经验丰富的人士组成, 准备好回答你关于这个行业职业生涯的任何问题.

Take classes abroad

As a part of the tourism industry, 酒店管理可以带你走遍全国,甚至世界!

Get a global education during your time as a Cavalier. Study abroad options span over 50 countries, 有机会在短时间休息或一整个学期学习.

旅游也是赌钱app可以微信提现酒店管理课程的一部分. 该系定期提供旅行学分课程, 这意味着你可以在旅行的同时获得学位学分. 我们的学生已经去了主要的旅游目的地, including Italy, Ireland, New York and Chicago.

Jason Gray,酒店管理助理教授
“Opportunities are abundant, 而那些非常适合这份工作的人,只要有积极的态度,就能迅速爬上职业阶梯, a very strong work ethic and excellent people skills.”

Explore the Wylie Hospitality & Culinary Academy

Launch Wylie Hospitality and Culinary Academy (WHCA)
Join other successful 赌钱app可以微信提现 students Apply now

You’ll graduate into a fast-growing industry. 美国劳工统计局预计,从2021年到2031年,酒店业的就业机会将增加18%, much faster than the average for other occupations. The only question now is where your career will begin.

Depending on the program you pursue, 你在酒店和烹饪领域有很多令人兴奋的选择, including:

  • Skilled professional chef
  • 医院、学校或其他机构的饮食管理人员
  • Foodservice director, supervisor or manager
  • Manager for a hotel, resort or spa
  • Cruise ship excursions director
  • Conference event planning or event management
  • Manager or general manager of a restaurant
  • Pastry chef or baker

Ready to continue your education at a four-year school? Explore transfer options with your academic counselor.

The U.S. Department of Labor 编制有关酒店管理工作的统计数字. 你会找到与堪萨斯州和密苏里州的职业相关的信息, including salary information and local job prospects.

找到就业预测和工资信息 Power BI Post Graduate Report.

Need help with career decisions? Visit the Career Development Center.

上大学的费用会极大地影响你成功的能力. At Johnson County Community College, 我们希望我们的学生能够负担得起他们喜欢的课程. 这就是为什么我们一直在努力让你更负担得起学费.

Here’s what 赌钱app可以微信提现 has to offer:


Resources and Tools at 赌钱app可以微信提现

成为赌钱app可以微信提现的学生意味着你可以获得一系列的服务和资源来帮助你取得成功. 我们提供专业的辅导和个性化的小班授课. 当你在哪个app可以赌足球学习时,你的教育真的很重要.

The cost of going to school can be daunting. Fortunately, our Financial Aid office is here to help you through the process. 我们的顾问可以帮助你找到资助你上学的方法, including scholarships and student loans, 这两者都可以帮助你减少每学期的学费.

如果你需要帮助发现你毕业后的激情所在,我们的 Career Development Center and Academic Counseling services are great support tools.

You can also further your education by transferring to a four-year school. 赌钱app可以微信提现在这里帮助你轻松、无压力地过渡到另一个大学项目.